
Good Day!

Well, it's the big 3-0 for me. No more being a twenty-something. I'm okay with it (what else can you do?!?). And really, it's been a good day. A normal, just like any-other day sort of day...with a few exceptions. First, a card from somebody I consider one of my closest friends. She even sent me some paper and flowers and such...no wonder I like her so much! Hehe, thanks Krista!

Then another good friend posted a card on her blog. Thanks Rachel!

My husband bought me roses and a gift (rotary cutter and cutting mats...for my new sewing hobby!).

A very nice guy from our church showed up with donuts for me this morning. I told him it was a great birthday present and he said he didn't know it was my birthday, he just thought I'd like some! So then he and his 2 grandkids sang happy birthday to me. How sweet! I asked his grandson if he was having fun with grandpa today and he responded "The most awesome fun time!"

Jon is spending the day golfing. It is beautiful out. He is so lucky. I am spending the day working from home. He says I can make whatever I want for supper. How is that different from any other night? I'm not sure. So I said maybe he could just take me out for supper. I guess we'll see. :)

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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Katy!!! Hope you continue to have a great day! I would make your Hubby take you out, you deserve it!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to You KATY! Sound like a wonderful you are having a wonderful day so far. Only 30!! You're a youngin!

  3. What a fun day! As soon as I get my butt to the PO, you'll actually see the card in person ;) I am just turning it into birthday week lol.

  4. Hope you had a great birthday KATY!!

  5. ahhh what a great gift DONUTS :)

  6. Happy Birthday Katy!!! Wow the big 3-0! That's nothing, you're still so young! Enjoy your day and celebrate BIG! :-)


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